
Sunday, July 7, 2024


Wednesday, June 26, 2024


I WILL NOT BE PLAYING END GAME SERVER... Just to be clear, I am Lineage. If you yap to me ignorance, you are nothing. TeKniKo, Hawkadium, Steve... you are one person, I am not going to play your server solely based on you not choosing me to help you with the server and help you with testing the server, and the list of players i see having this type of "privilege" are jokes and nobodies that should not have such a privilege of doing so... I know absolutely more than any single person in the community of Lineage, old and new Lineage stuff, and being one of the best players in the community and possibly the most hated also warrants my all of the rights to have the privilege of helping in every manner. If you want me to play on your server and cause a massive influx of players to swarm the server, you will have to ban server and linfan from discord and the server and the instance that these players somehow sneak back onto the server if you attempt to allow them back, i will be having all of the players leave the server instantly... also we will go back into advisor and test phase of the server, we will do extensive testing of everything and be offering suggestions of many things... then after all of this is completed, you will wipe the server and committ to the final true LIVE server... until then, i will watch your server 4th server die out and be dead... i bid thee adieu... my regards, Shawn

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Friendly reminder to the people of the Lineage community

 i think it is so funny that i still get intel
given to me from time to time... BUT...

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


too many people keep asking me if im playing this void server or whatever... no, i dont play any lineage servers you morons... now stop thinking i am playing... if i was playing you would 100% know im playing, i will tell everyone... there is no legit servers that arent corrupt that exist besides Lineage Epoch, and the player base on that server isnt even valid enough to play that nonsense... so shut the fuck up about me you obsessed losers...

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Bill's Classic server is done son? LOL!

who GG'd Bill's "Classic Server"?
that's kinda funny...

Monday, October 11, 2021

Lineage community please Pray for TeKniKo

 my Lineage archnemesis, TeKniKo, is in the ICU, please pray for him 🙏

p.s.- Steve I need you for Lineage W

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Bill is at it again...


As some of the Lineage community knows, someone randomly is starting a "lineage 1 classic"
starting from 2.70 client and they came out of no where stated that they "searched" for months
on Korean forums to find these files, odd because that's usually was Bill tends to do, and
no one else... Bill being the most corrupt GM of all time, owner of FriskyCows, and a few other
servers that never got players, but always had bots in his discords to act as if there was so many
players on his server, when there was in fact no one and that is because no one trusts Bill...
Bill you did that to yourself. He also went by many different names to trick people into
thinking that he was not the GM or associated with said server, one of his other aliases was
GM Doritos and now he is attempting to go by the name of GM Zinn & GM Rune...
This GM Zinn person has also stated that "he was associated with FriskyCows in the past"
...very likely story lol

I attempted to pull as much information out of this "GM Zinn" guy, but like Bill, it was like
pulling teeth and it's so bad and sad that just asking simple questions resulted in me being
banned from the Lineage 1 Classic discord as well as being blocked by him on discord...
after further investigations into the server, websites, etc. I can confirm that it is Bill...
so if you thought L1Justice and LinFreePlay were corrupt... you havent seen anything yet
because, Bill takes corruption to another level, although L1Justice may have been inching
close to or even slightly ahead of Bill's corruption after finding out the full extent of L1Justice's

This GM Zinn person, aka Bill, actually sad the funniest thing as well right before banning me,
talking about "we will not and will never take donations" ...that's the oldest trick in the book...
let's be honest, every single GM that has ever come forth and openly said that has always been
the most corrupt pieces of shit, and that's a FACT... and they have ALWAYS lied with that saying!