Chevyz, XCootKnightX, Linoya, Rest of bot world of lineage.. you really need to learn to play a game legit and its sad that cootbot goes from 50-52 within like 2 weeks and never responds to whispers and instant tele when u hit him... chevyz sadly botting 24f and DVC and going from 50-51 within a week and few days even him not responding.. Linoya.. sad idk how he botted OWL so long and finally hit 50, lol BADLUCK ended ur bot in OWL couple days ago.. idk y u still botting OWL, loser. Deathlife, nice service lvling.. not knowing who i am while ur servicer is on? yeh b/c i ended him... keep getting serviced to 52 and more pus, ur mad weak anyway even with DK... Kudina quit : ( he talked mad shit b4 he quit too and he never could kill me, he's mad. I really hope Episode 6 soon comes out and i hope NC coms up with a gameguard that will actually block out all these bots, and hope many people get banned. FUCK YOU!
Ends, and Ends for life.
Bot blood pledges and other players will always end if i can kill them but even other people that aint bots still will end if i can.. such as Kazza (buy more adena loser) and many others, ill gladly take more Screen Shots later while i lvl too
Level 50 Prince!
I honestly couldnt have done this without support from others and others who helped me out with getting to 50 but, i finally hit it after i returned 3 months ago.. and starting with only 5m. Im going to start recruiting 50+ only and start changing my act so others join me and fight for and with me. I got a pretty good level up, 12 hp and 3 mp and now my base hp/mp is 526/128 and my base ac is at -67. My weapons are +8 Diamond Sword / +9 Mail Breaker / Ancient Sword. My AC items are Dancing Earrings / Vigor Set / +7 Engrave Visor / +5 Engrave Plate Mail / +5 Power Gloves / +7 Iron Boots / +7 T-Shirt / +7 Shield of Faith / +5 Sovereign's Majesty Cloak. Im soon looking into buying +7 Power Gloves / +8 T-Shirt / +8 Magic Resistance Set (3 Piece). Im soon going to try to make +9 or higher Diamond Sword / +8 or higher Shield of Faith / +6 or higher Sovereign's Majesty Cloak / +6 or higher Engrave Plate mail.
Yet again, Im finally happy im lvl 50, next stop 51 and 52! Special Thanks to all who gave me support but mostly thanks to Whitecloth, BADLUCK, Duality, and Forge. P.S. thx for the fire works BADLUCK lol.