My buddy Scott aka BADLUCK has made a couple mistakes in the past and present.. and i hope he decides to change it and some day return the favor of his old friendship now we arent talking but he knows what it takes to make that change, i'd like see some good faith in him and actually become my friend once again..
Above is a nice little SS's editted and added what not some junk but adds up to fun
another thing i'd like to add, ChevYz keep helping your bot friend XCootKnightX becausse i have Viciousx n a few others waiting for you also.. my mouth doesnt get me in trouble like yours does.. maybe you should make some good friends. Being a Royal is all about the respect attribute even if im hated or hate someone.. when ppl take on the Royal class they gain it.. maybe you should start respecting me some day..
GL to all and keep looking out for more posts and FUNNESS(word?)!!!!!!
I (PUREvsALL) will be having a post ONCE a month unless something big happens or another member decides to post. Bye.
lol on own website 10 to 1 think pure fkin sucks... wonder who the 1 was
ditto what he sayd
moron accuses anyone over 50 who he has problems with thats why some of those names are in list including me
make love not war
rofl nice change in poll loser, no one likes you still it seems
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