
Monday, December 15, 2008

MrFish's Ex and Members


He leaves Mrfish's BP on the count of dying 2x to AllOriginals, died... left... got peace... rejoined... died... left... now trash talking AllOriginals.. lol? why didnt you just stay with MrFish... retarded..


Said he doesnt want to be in fight with us so he said he will chao make us anytime we attack him or what ever... ill take chao, no biggy 2 hours = full law


sadly see'ing MrFish's BP fall apart is pretty cool... yet he says he has 100 members... but they are probably all quad chars so like 100 divided by 4... 25 members..? its funny soon enough that "BP" if you can call it that WILL fall apart, his new post saying he hopes this war will end... and he doesnt like AO's 1 new member(me) lol... probably disbanning and quitting will end that war... GL

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