
Sunday, October 25, 2009


Song Contest for Lineage

As you all know the sad loser "Khalido" which i have still never seen on LOA b4, but hes in that dumb bots' bp Dakotasky,

I would just like to say its sad to see u even STEALING song rythme from Prince - When Doves Cry...... YES Listen to his song u will hear it for yourself.. and since he used this in doing so for a contest and WON, idk how this song is terrible.. i will be sending this to Prince's record company so they can take legal matters into their hands since u never asked them to use it in doing this so for a conpetition.

NCsoft is dumb enough to let this THEIF even win this competition, let's see if they take back his prizes after they find this out about him theifing the song lyric rythme.

Sad ass people, but someone has to expose them for what they are...

P.S.- NO LINEAGE SONG IS BETTER THAN "THE AO CREW" SONG! (we did not send it in, but we shoulda, we woulda hands down obviously won..)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

NCsoft MAD


lol.. Temp Ban from forums due to the fact NCsoft mad when i post the truth... Nyx might as well get fired for doing such a sad thing... they might as well fire everyone at NCsoft that gets mad about hearing the truth also.. deal with it.. ur company is a fail.. and ur letting Aion already fail with all these bots and servicer/gold sellers spam everywhere instead of banning them.. its quite sad.. and the TRUTH HURTS



Saturday, October 17, 2009


Siel Server (West), Elyos

Been playing for awhile now on Aion, i pretty much fell for NCsoft''s sad plan to let Lineage die, but im only really testing Aion out and to Kill PyroAmos and his sad ass friends on this server.. they probably have 20ish players from Lineage if i saw right idk if they all from Lineage but they in a Lineage Legion (bp/clan)

The game is alright i guess its same shit ass WoW / L2 lol, but flying is pretty cool

NCsoft should pay me lol now ima increase the population of the Siel server b/c more ppl gonna come and try to kill me now TEEHEE!

NAME isnt important im just here to kill the Lineage kids and other nerds..