
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

L1Justice = Zelgo or LineageElites GMs + RMTing allowed on L1Justice


This is 100% now

The GMs of L1Justice are
GMs of either Zelgo or LineageElites
DO NOT buy into their bullshit saying they have never GM'd
BOYCOTT L1Justice.
I have lost all trust in L1Justice and their GMs, and sadly I was the
only one that actually trusted them at the beginning and now I feel
like a complete idiot for falling for their bullshit act.

#1 Some evidence on the table:
I honestly cant believe this got by me for so long,
but BOTH Zelgo and L1Justice website's have the
same domain host: which
seems pretty fishy, and seeing as Smity was with Soren
since day one of Zelgo and who was the original person
to ban me first off Zelgo way back in 2013-2014,
he probably just wanted to ban my 2 accounts again
that I made on L1Justice because, this kid hates me so much.

#1.5? More evidence on the table:
(This is the most important evidence, if you played Zelgo you know why)
Another thing that could possibly expose this is if
the GG morons actually play on L1Justice, can anyone
confirm or deny if they play or not on L1Justice?
VERY HIGH CHANCE that they would not waste their time
if they did not have Smitty/Tricid/Soren/Bonkers OR someone else they know
in their back pocket again, just some food for thought on the situation...

#2 More evidence on the table:
The absolute refusal of "Charles" and "Morty" to ever come in voice
comms on the L1Justice discord when being confronted about it,
this is just more proof of them trying to hide who they are and
I'm starting to know who they are more and more as the days go on.

#3 More evidence on the table:

I struck a nerve in China Calvin talking about this and
he got upset and did his little trolling act when he gets mad.
Just remember if China Calvin is actually playing on L1Justice, there
is a 100% chance that the GMs consist of Smitty/Tricid/Soren/Bonkers.
It could possibly be Soren/Tricid/Bonkers considering those 3 are the
least likely to be able to fix or code anything correctly and seeing as
the server is extremely buggy, I wouldn't put it passed them to be the ones.
Smitty was/is Zelgo's work horse, without him they wouldn't be anything.

#4 More evidence on the table:
"Charles" or "Morty" edited my post about RMT already happening
(to say some random dumb shit that makes me look like a fool just like the
Zelgo GMs did to my accounts constantly on the Zelgo forums), which is TRUE
that there is already RMT happening, and i don't think I've ever seen any other GMs
besides the GMs of Zelgo do this type of shit before...

#5 More evidence on the table:
Just the way Charles talks now, instead of sticking to his
"fake professionalism" that he tried to pull for so long until
I got him to expose the real "Charles"

#6 More evidence on the table:
"Charles" & "Morty"
Soren & Smitty (+ Tricid)
Goblin & DRaymo
Bill & his coder
but there was "apparently 6+ people working on L1Justice for a year" yea OK lol.
(and i didnt add Smitty to Soren & Tricid because the server wouldnt be as buggy as it is with him)

#7 More evidence on the table:
The constant censorship to try and hide the truth, when all people
want is the truth... It makes absolutely no sense trying to hide anything
because in the end it bites you in the ass and makes you look worse.
For a 3rd time I have been banned on the L1Justice forums for explaining
to someone why there is so many mages on the server and the short truth is:
all of the pinoys joined the server and need to make fast adena/items in order to
sell for real $$ since RMTing is allowed with no punishments on L1Justice.


P.S.- PERFECT (1 hand jon) sold Meteor to Tesla (brandon *Jenny & KnightVald*) for $25
let's see those paypals 😉
let's see those uber eats locations 😉
LOL bans me from all his discords, thanks for confirming you still RMTing Brandon
Let's see if "Charles" & "Morty" stick to their word about banning RMTers
AND just remember Zelgo staff did not take care of RMTers as well

First time they spoke about it in voice comms and people cried about no proof,
there is a reason why I stopped posting the actual proof for most shit, because
even when you show proof, people still want to not believe it... So here is the
SECOND time of Brandon (doneson on discord & Tesla on L1Justice) being exposed
so people stfu and stop crying about no proof. (TROJANGUARD = Bummbakleet)
Bummbakleet & PERFECT are brothers
These Zelgo or LineageElites GMs ain't too bright
They must've forgot I was with these kids playing with them
and I know everything they do from what they talk about and say
I'll just leave this here... also NOTHING I post is a "troll post"
(As of 10/20/18* they are still not banned for RMTing)

ALSO dont ever forget to question if it's the LineageElites GMs
because none of those mother fuckers can code for their lives and
they too as well do not punish people for RMTing (always a possibility).

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Lineage Elites showing its Corruption still...

lmao this idiot Capwne showing off his GM item to people, good job dude.
The renta cop has a fat wallet, and can never play legit because he would
get dumpstered like he did on LOA... btw nice to see a BLESSED Varlok
Sword, LOL! cant possibly be made by anyone, but the GM... next he is going
to say some dumb shit like XXL getting handed Fid Bow on Zelgo to come
back and play on the server, so that the server can get a playerbase again...
it is truly embarrassing how the GMs that make these servers cannot resist
being CORRUPT.

I wont put it passed Capwne to level service, RMT, or exploit again on L1Justice since
he hasn't played one single server (including LIVE back in the day), where he has
played LEGIT.

Not only is LineageElites dumb for making drop rates for shit so high,
which destroyed that server a lot, but they also were dumb enough to make
Varlok Sword have insane stats instead of keeping it the correct stats, but
also making it +6 safe is just as dumb as Cold Bow being +6 safe too...
Two items that should never be changed from being +0 safe!
ALSO LineageElites enchant rate was just so high, so seeing insanely high
enchanted rare items as well, is nothing to be shocked about, unless you're
RMT GOD Capwne 😃

Sunday, September 16, 2018

L1Justice possibilities?

The GMs of L1Justice need to seriously remove these 2 things:

Even the slightly thought of adding these retarded things to Lineage,
ruins a lot of the meaning and purpose... People do not need to know
other player's items or levels, especially when it's some of the best
players in the community, such as myself, I personally do not want
my level, items, or stats to be known, PERIOD.

Considering I'm one of, if not the, fastest leveler... people will know exactly
what level I am, and then also will result in having the best items with my
grind, so then they will simply know my items... no thanks, I WILL NOT
PLAY if either of these things make it into launch, I fully trust the GMs on
this server to not be paranoid about shit that has happened in the past, solely
because I've known about this server probably before anyone else, MONTHS
AND MONTHS AGO... and also if they wanted to they could easily just
change the coding for something to read as something else, "if they were corrupt"
(which is why these things are even more stupid).

I honestly feel like these things things ruin the game's mystery
Thanks for killing the hype for a good server, ill pass and go back
to playing some other shit.

If they ever do decide to remove these 2 things in the future,
I will then come play on the server, but until then... ✌

P.S.- I would hope that more Lineage players in the community
also tell the GMs that this is stupid and/or don't play until they are removed.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Exposing Zelgo once again


Recently Zelgo has started obtaining players back,
any clue why? because GMs are now giving people
Fids in order to play on the server again...
People like Smitty are just extremely ignorant to my
investigations, I never post anything that I do not have
full fledged proof of... which is why so many people respect me,
and I will be a Martyr for the cause of anything like this, as long
as the truth is exposed, I genuinely don't care about the result.
The saddest part is I know more about these servers than the
GMs themselves lol, and I have no access to their databases.

The garbage player XXL (Little Kevin) who has had all of his
characters (his elf XXL and i forget his shitty mage's name)
level serviced and immune from being punished because
his drunk daddy used to "help" with coding when Smitty
was not around, but he did a pretty dog shit job, so he now
has returned to Zelgo and I'm assuming he either paid one
of the GMs or the GMs just gave him a Fid bow for his
daddy's past help (laughable)... The only people that I have
heard receiving items for exploits or bugs was GG and that
is not a shocker right there folks, FRIENDS WITH SOREN BTW
XXL did NOT report any exploit or bug, he did NOT make his fid,
he was given the fid bow by the GMs, yet they want to say
"Zelgo isnt corrupt" ok buddy boy LOL
(I have audio proof of XXL saying he got the fid from reporting
exploits, which is very unbelievable just from listening to him)
I have never seen or heard of anyone outside of GG obtaining
items from the GMs for reporting any exploits or bugs,
and I've heard of so many other people reporting things with
no rewards, there is a reason for that. CORRUPTION.

I've reported numerous exploits, bugs, and issues...
NOT ONCE did I receive anything for that help and
still to this day, I constantly try to help and the GMs
of Zelgo just spit in the faces of people who try to help.
If you are not apart of their "friend's bp" GoodGame (GG),
they don't care one bit, which is why GG members are the
only ones that are allowed to RMT & cheat without any

So then there is this gem as well (screenshot from Zelgo):
Some idiot in GG while he was on one of the royals posted on the GG
discord and he forgot to crop out or blur the most important thing 😂
China Calvin would've definitely never forgot to blur that...

This is for any and all GMs of Zelgo, you call yourself not corrupt,
yet you constantly do stuff that is insanely corrupt and then you
try to hide the fact of the matter by banning anyone who opposes you,
you have an insane bias towards a set group of players on your server
because of friendships... If you decide you want to unban me and 
stop being corrupt there is literally a few options you can do:

1. openly admit you were in the wrong and do what is right (your egos are too massive for this probably)
2. wipe the server and don't be bias or corrupt (probably the best option)
3. unban me, undelete my char, make my char lvl 82 or 83 (which is what I would be, most likely)
1. & 3. somewhat go together kinda

BUT just remember this, I have eyes and ears everywhere.
I will find out everything, and I will expose you.
AND whichever server stops their corruption first
as well as admits to it and fixes it, will probably be the
server that will be the successor for the future.

p.s.- last but not least... to all of the Lineage players that
constantly talk about me, lol so fucking cringe, I swear...

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bill still delusional to think anyone is DDOSing his server

Take a good look down at my post:
"LineageElites = Bill's new server?"
June 26, 2018

screenshots in there of Bill crying saying he gets
DDOS'd constantly, which is completely false, no
one would waste their time to DDOS a server of
someone who destroys their own servers every time,
AND again he is crying about being DDOS'd with his
newest server LineageElites... no one is DDOSing you,
you are just mental and in need of help...

Bill you should just name change from Goblin to
Doritos at this point lol, also i do appreciate you
looking at my blog still Bill, and posting in the
chat box... who woulda thought it would be so easy
to catch you, you slip up every time... easy IP check

Zelgo is corrupt
LineageElites is more corrupt

if 150+ people come to me and willingly want to pay
$1 a month to play on a real server, I will gladly make one.
(with this there would also be a $5 and $10 a month bundle
that gives bonus exp only 5% and 10% more tho, nothing crazy
and possibly more for those other bundles in the future additions)

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

When you get exposed and run away from the truth

So "apparently" stat hack, duping, etc.. the whole kitten kaboodle works on LineageElites and the pinoys and others are duping shit, selling shit and that's how these pinoys are paying the GMs of LineageElites to be able to sell adena/items and do level servicing since day 1.
(honestly i wouldnt put it past Bill to be as scummy as this and as corrupt)

AND if stat hack works, i guess that is how Capwne originally 2 shot me with 400 damage a hit, way back before my ban and before i was in their bloodpledge, mind you... the original thing that Capwne said how i died was something like 2 elves were hitting me and like 4 or 5 other melees... yet their ONE elf that was even there, wasnt even inside the walls to even hit me and all of their melees were no where in cell range to even attack me, the only person that did anything besides Capwne was Shadow and all he did was use Armor Break. (probably a bunch of other people abusing the stat hack too)

(Bill's server) LineageElites' GM, GameMaster couldnt handle the heat anymore 😥
poor wittle GM had to block me just like Armango did after he got banned from LineageElites lol

why even use my suggestions (with a slight twist) from over a month ago, if you hate me so much LOL yikers!

Shawn always wins in the end 😅

LineageElites = Bill's server 1000% confirmed, YIKES! LOL

True entertainment right here...

Take a GOOD HARD LOOK at this image...
"by jojobongo"
JoJo was one of Bill's GMs...
"not Bill's server tho" 😂
ALSO after that 1 post i exposed LineageElites for being Bill's server they had some "security updates" and if you go back to the chat logs with Bill, it's clearly noticeable why they did this, if he wasn't lying...

also that's a pretty depressing lie to post on a reddit to try and get more actual players on the server, it's ok tho i put him in his place already... "good population" LOL "a lot of PVP" OMEGALUL

I will be deleting his post once i get my admin account back for this subreddit AND permanently banning him from the Lineage subreddit, ENJOY 😃

bye bye post

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Cringe comments

This moron Void, i honestly cant tell if he is ever serious... for sure i can say one thing, he was a nobody on DEP, yet he speaks so highly of himself and another that he said he would fight people "2v8" and a bunch of other shit, when i feel like this dude has never even played a day on Lineage LIVE... "On live KV was what we normally farmed for CB" you didnt, it was never a drop on NA LIVE from KV, and literally there was THREE TOTAL on LOA (and im assuming there was probably even less on DEP because that shit was a dead zone mid-late phase of the server's lifetime and Counter Barrier wasnt even a thing until later on) before NCsoft was giving out items and free level 80+, you're actually as dumb as those monkeys in BH that said his one friend, Imortal (yes that idiot spelled Immortal wrong), was like a 81 or 82 or 83 with CB... lol when this guy was literally a lvl 56, AT MOST, at the time of my ban AND he was NEVER in 1 of the 2 pledges that CONTROLLED VARLOK, which was the ONLY thing that dropped Counter Barrier on NA LIVE (Oink and Playboy)

p.s.- Counter Barrier was roughly 1.5 BILLION ADENA on LOA

It's just truly cringe when you see certain people attempt to sound smart or try to speak knowledge when their knowledge is completely wrong... it's sad that on even the other server LineageElites some idiot posted something about Essence of Nobility not being on the server, yet the server has Devil's Blood... and Devil's Blood is the KNIGHT BRAVE for ROYAL, so there is no need for Essence or the other lower version (this is also funny because i told one of Bill's GMs this and he then replied to the person on the forums about it lol)... it's shit like that makes me wonder how dumb some people are, especially people like Void... also it's funny that Zelgo still refuses to use a Discord for GMs and server chat, and what made me laugh the other day is someone posted about "it's too toxic or what not" yea you wanna know who is the person that is the child in all of the Discords? Void, the dude literally is so bored with life he has like 10 different accounts (mind you, whenever his friends always would ask if they want to play another game with him he would only say "can i troll in it" or "i only troll in it" just think about how pathetic you sound as a human... you're life must be depressing), but his main account is so easy to spot because he's the only person that has Discord Nitro and when you click into his main account you can see the Discord Nitro icon...

At the end of the day, it's quite sad that the people no one should be listening to about any knowledge of the game, get taken serious and yet the people that are respectable and should be taken serious get looked at like being crazies or a troll, pretty cringe and then people wonder why their servers are dead or not worth playing... look at Zelgo that shit has like 10-40 people only and on sure LineageElites (Bill's server) is the same, considering on LineageElites like 50% of the users you see on the population are adena/item sellers, which they allow just like Zelgo does... What's funny is the GMs of Zelgo just snip a few bad apples of these things of the tree, but they leave the rest because of relationships, many of GG/P2/FL RMT/cheat, yet why do they still exist on the server? who was the guy that had the +10 fid again in GG? the dude was speed hacking too LOL and with a +10 fid, ill bet money on it that he didnt get banned ALSO the player HyskoA uses some weird Chinese client so his cheats that he uses works, probably the walk through walls cheat and other crazy shit that GG loves to use, (and who knows what other GG members do this too)... it's funny how Void is so against others cheating, he cares so much to record it (which i could honestly care less, it just makes you look like a bigger trash player if you need to cheat and you will be called out constantly) but dont make videos crying about cheaters when yall got cheaters... that shit literally makes absolutely no sense... any GM on Zelgo with a brain check my -report log when my account existed... there is a ton of cheaters right there listed, you're welcome.

p.s.- god knows how Zhin still isnt banned for RMT, the dude paid his rent and who knows what else for the last couple years just from selling adena and items on Zelgo (this also was confirmed by multiple GG members)

Both SERVERS are corrupt, just in different ways
Prove me wrong and maybe ill change my mind
Both servers' GMs can contact me whenever if you want to change my mind, good luck

lol? look at these morons... AOS never 100% silenced the user, it was actually level based, even towards the caster, the whole thing was the cooldown you regenerated from AOS was like 6-8 seconds, where the actual silence from it, was like 10-12 seconds... like these people who have so called "played live" seem like they never even played live EVER or have NEVER pvp'd on live... you dont understand how cancer Zeko was on LOA with AOS... CRINGE

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

LineageElites = Bill's new server?

At this point i'd believe that Bill runs LineageElites
if someone randomly just said he was, because no one
can be this stupid to actually openly allow RMT and
Level Servicing on their server... R.I.P. LineageElites

How can someone be this dumb? LMAO!

Pinoys probably paying the GMs to allow RMT and Servicing and all Bill cares about is the MONEY when running a server
Bill's server disappears when LineageElites comes up? because no one wants those newer updates
Bill had 4 GMs on JustLineage? so did LineageElites early on...
Bill's one GM, Jadus was in LineageElites' discord and then disappeared randomly?
Bill cant code or fix his own server? Goblin is the same way, always waiting for his "brother" to fix stuff 😏
Bill's website had some weird delay to load it? so does LineageElites 😮
Also pretty awkward information when you look up the website info, from both LEs & JL
Bill hasn't been on Discord in awhile? probably ditched the gmDoritos account

Bill = Goblin? who knows...
Are people being swindled into playing Bill's server after all? YIKES!


Just funny that Bill thinks people care about him that much, to actually mess with him and his server 😂

Bill plotting 😏 and LineageElites is 3.63 😮

This is just in case people are stupid enough to speed hack on LineageElites,
you will probably get caught and banned pretty quick

Monday, June 18, 2018

Ryan's mouth always busy

How much cum do you have over your face Ryan?
It's actually cringe how you act...
You're literally dick sucking both servers at the same time
and this is only 1 post from each of the server's forums, I'm
not even gonna waste my time to post more because of how
depressing it is to watch you post the shit you post and
you want to attempt to and try to call others creepy and
cringe, but maybe you need to look in the mirror buddy.

ALSO ... lol@turning off facebook messages :D
Please wipe the cum away from your mouth
before you suck another dick.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Which server will unban me first?

Both Zelgo and LineageElites have banned me.
Let's which one of the servers will unban me first
and actually abide by my demands for me to even
come back and play on the server.

If you are looking at this and you are one of the GMs,
all of the demands are below in a past blog post on here.

Monday, June 11, 2018

boycott LineageElites

The server has gotten way too corrupt, with allowing RMT and level servicing
And now the GMs have banned my account because I have
exposed them for being corrupt, so if they ever fix their shit and take
care of the RMT and servicing cheaters, for my to even come back,
they would need to issue a full out apology to me posted on the
front page of the server's website and on the forums.

Due to no actions and/or punishments being taken
towards specific people for openly selling adena/items as well
as servicing their characters AND due to the drop rate of
the server being only a drop rate of 1 month servers,
which made the economy of the server completely
be non-existent and ruins a main part of the game.

I will be quitting until something happens or changes
because I will not waste my time playing Zelgo again,
Yes I said Zelgo, because LineageElites has simply turned
into Zelgo, besides the fact that there is actual active GMs
and I will not play with this RMT (real money trade) shit
and/or this character servicing garbage.

From my understanding there has been multiple amounts
of proof against the Shinwa Army (the Chinas that do all of the
adena/items selling and character servicing) and yet the GMs refuse
to take action, so I am going to assume that the Shinwa Army
is paying the GMs of LineageElites to be able to do this on
their server and I'm pretty sure all of the people that are being
serviced have donated to the server as well... so...

Goodluck to everyone and I suggest you not waste your time
playing on a server that simply doesn't care even more than Zelgo.
I used to think Goblin and GameMaster cared about LineageElites
because of how dedicated they were, but in the end,
it seems like they truly don't care one bit.
(boycott LineageElites aka Zelgo v2)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Quitting LineageElites o_o"

I'm quitting this weekend, and the reasoning is the same as many others have quit already and a reason not to even play the server to begin with... 

**MOST IMPORTANT PART** ALSO, they going to continue to allow adena/item selling and servicing(cheating) with no punishments... i don't want to play or waste my time with another Zelgo. no thx (half the god damn server population at the moment is literally these pinoy adena/item sellers spamming shops in the trade zone as well)

The drop rates just don't match the exp rates at all and the economy (especially for a lot of stuff that should always have value) on this server is just completely fucked from it (and this is more than likely unfixable even if GMs were to delete and take stuff from players than fix rates, because this probably would cause issues for other players) AND the spawn rates of stuff as well doesn't help with the drop rates of things being high too.

maybe if i see these adena/item sellers perma banned and characters known for servicing to be deleveled significantly, i probably wont be coming back... unless this whole sell adena/items and servicing shit is taken care of.


p.s.- The only good things about this server are: GMs active, GMs fix and update server, and the exp rate.

*AND another adena seller just sitting in Discord the whole time, that i already had blocked the other day, kinda funny that i blocked him before he even tried to sell me adena... let's see if the GMs will actually ban this guy from the Discord ^_^*

Saturday, June 2, 2018

feeling weary about Lineage Elites

The server allows RMT and cheating/servicing,
2 very big nono's when creating a server
my time playing will be even more
limited online because it isn't appealing.

Hopefully the GMs do not allow the
server to be corrupt anymore than it
already is because they don't want
to take action against RMT and

If they decide to actually care
about the server and not allow these
things, maybe I will put more time in.
Good Luck!

Stormborn & Bornagain (Shinwa) = openly selling adena/items for $$$

"But if theres any talk or advertising real money trade on the server, actions will be taken." -GameMaster
LET THE BAN HAMMER FALL UPON THEE Stormborn + Bornagain (Shinwa) .....waiting for ban message on global, or GM is lying about actions will be taken?
KnightVald & Mikey = both being serviced to high level
PraY = bought 2 items from KnightVald for a total of $270 (Thundergod sword $100 + Dragon Slayer $170)
(all of these people have openly donated to the server as well)
Servicing is cheating, there is no if ands or buts about it! (it's the same thing as botting pretty much)

moral of the story: donate to the GMs and you're allowed to cheat or RMT

ALSO: I'm not saying the GMs are corrupt, the SERVER is... because of the GMs lack of caring about some of the serious issues that are happening, and they just allow it... other than that the GMs are great and they seem very dedicated, but extremely foolish.
#1. RMT - extremely easy to catch (especially if it's going down between non-bp members, trade and sale logs are so easy to check)
#2. SERVICING - extremely easy to catch (when you can check IPs and have a proxy blocker, not full proof but still easy to catch)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

I do play Lineage Elites now

I'm not gonna go crazy playing a ton,
because I'm working on something...
I am HyoRi (started 5/23/18)
(name change to Legolas) 5/25/18
(name change to Girtas) 5/30/18

Sunday, May 20, 2018

I don't play on Lineage Elites

I Am Lineage.
I don't play on Lineage Elites
don't let people say they are me

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Boycott Zelgo

Dont bother playing Zelgo

I'm Banned for getting the GMs to fix an important issue with the server
If Tricid apologizes to me and I'm unbanned within a week,
I will play the server again, but if not I wont even bother.
And if all of this were to happen after a week, I would
want, starting at the level I am now (77), 10% exp per day I'm banned
and this is cut in half each level that the days provide me.

p.s.- I AM NOT AllahuAkbar anymore on the server
Tricid DELETED my characters, and someone took the name.
Tricid also changed all of the context of my forum posts.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Some Problems with Zelgo

Issues that need fixing ASAP on Zelgo

* = game breaking issue



*1. Shock Stun being effected by + magic accuracy from Knight's starting base stats, this should not be helping Shock Stun to land more often.
*2. Counter Barrier's (CB) damage is being effected by more than it is supposed to be, CB's damage is only supposed to be 2x the highest value base on the weapon, Example: AGS is 27/45 so 45 is the highest value and times that by 2 and you get 90, so any time CB goes off with an AGS equipped the enemies should be taking 90 dmg; Execution Sword of Fidelity is 28/33 so 33 is the highest value and times that by 2 and you get 66, nothing more nothing less; I would be fine with CB in general just doing a flat 70 damage if it is easier to code, with nothing effecting it. (enchanting and elemental enchants DO NOT & SHOULD NOT INCREASE THIS DAMAGE)
*3. CB damage pierces through immune, if you are immuned and you hit a knight with CB, you still take full damage as if you are not immuned.
*4. CB is providing Knights with a dodge mechanic, CB is not supposed to block the damage, in order for CB to even proc in the first place you must be hit.
*5. CB proc rate is supposed to be 15-20% and INT or starting base INT bonuses are NOT supposed to be increasing the % rate of it to proc.

Dark Elf (DE):

*1. Double Break does not do anything. (supposed to increase damage in some form, but literally does nothing)
*2. Uncanny Dodge does not do anything. (supposed to be true dodge, which is supposed to help dodge against MELEE, RANGED, AS WELL AS KNIGHT STUN)
3. Every Edoryu and Claw have the wrong crit rate (they all seem to be significantly lower than they are supposed to be).
4. (SUGGESTION) Allow DEs to attack from Blind Hiding, Example: if a DE is invisible from using Blind Hiding, instead of having to be detected out or waiting for timer of the spell to run out (which doesn't even have a buff icon) and this would reveal them once they execute an attack from Blind Hiding.
5. Level 50 DE Quest is broken, the wrong NPC is at the wasteland.
*6. The crit animation from edo and claw, just randomly go off, it doesn't actually go off when you actually crit, Example: you swing and the animation of a crit goes off but when you have -dmg on, you can see the damage that is done and it's as if the swing and the weapon hit are reading their own different codes or something.
7. (SUGGESTION) Make DE poison actually do damage of some sort, or make it have some unique feature like increase damage taken or if a person is poisoned by a DE, their overall damage from any type of damage they deal is decreased. (change DE poison color if possible)
8. (SUGGESTION) Bump DE hp cap to 1600.


1. Elf level based spells seem way too easy to land
*2. Elfs can use Elemental Falldown (EFD) while in COI (from what I hear the code for Aqua Protect and EFD got flipped and this is why this can happen?).
3. (SUGGESTION) Put a cap on Nature's Blessing (NB) heal amount.

Wizard (Mage):

Dragon Knight (DK):

Illusionist (Illu):

Royal (Prince):

*1. Make Royals require to be the PvP level (60+) in order to siege a castle.

"General Gameplay"

Server requires a wipe:

*1. This is the most important issue at the moment because for the last 2 years there has been tons of items being duped, created, and sold for real money. If there is not a 2 year roll back as of (4/19/18) there is no point in playing the server if there isn't a wipe because of all of this and it just proves that the GMs do not care about the server or care to fix the issues listed in this post that are important problems as well.


*1. The amount of cheaters on the server is beyond belief. (A way to deal with this right now is to lock all of the accounts of the bloodpledges that have a high ratio of hackers in them, starting with GOODGAME and BountyHunters, just gotta be strict for something like this as a GM so people know you're not fucking around until you can solve the issue internally, lock ALL of their accounts until people start talking and people stop cheating, most of GG and BH have too much real money invested so they will not want their accounts in a lock status where they cannot play and also this is very important, track items that are traded to try to save for characters of banned players for cheating since they will be making a new account/character and then also ban the players that tried to help them save the items).
*2. Get people show you a screenshot of their client (daily, weekly, or monthly depending on how sketchy the players are) and if they have this Chinese shit where the fonts are all thin and stuff makes it extremely fishy because most of the crazier hacks require to be in that client format. Example #1: HyskoA (a GG member; and wouldn't doubt it if more GG used this to use the crazy walk through walls cheats) , Example #2:

Real Money Trading (RMT):

*1. Players that 100% sell items or adena for real $$ (they have tried to sell to me or other players that I know): Zhin, 15
Blood Pledges that need to be looked into with the involved of this aswell (or any BPs where their IPs list to):

Communication with GMs:

*1. Create a Discord server for the server.

Update the Website:

*1. UPDATE THE FUCKING WEBSITE, JESUS CHRIST. (the last update was literally a fucking September 2017 post). And change the fucking website URL to at least have lineage or lin in the URL somewhere.

Venz/Escape/Teleport bug:

*1. This issue is more so based on whether or not the GM is willing to put money into the server or not, mostly fixed by having the server hosted externally, but if the GM is too cheap then he would need to implement something like Absolute Barrier (AB) to be activated anytime you use venz/tele and make it last for like 1-2 seconds. If you don't know what venz bug is, it is when you take damage or die after using a teleport type scroll, because your character gets stuck for a hot second and this is usually caused by an issue in the coding and mostly by self hosting the server.

Force Quitting:

*1. Implement some sort of thing that if a player force quits, it announces it and keeps them stuck in the game for an extra 30 seconds. (The game or coding knows the difference between someone force quitting and someone crashing, so if someone were to crash it should not announce as if they are force quitting)

Web Market:

*1. Fix the Web Market.

Drop Rates:

1. (SUGGESTION) Certain rare items' drop rates are simply way too high for being a long term server (and dragons should not be dropping everything at like 90%).

Cloak of Invisibility (COI):

*1. COI does not have a 2-3 second delay to do any action, even putting it back on, when it is unequipped. (regardless if you get detected out or not, if you have unequipped COI the only things you are supposed to be able to do is either escape/venz/tele, use potions, or use spell scrolls during that delay period of when taking off the COI).

GOODGAME (GG) with GM Mass Teleport (Tele) to COI Gank:

*1. whomever in GG has access to a GM account (I'm pretty sure it is Bonkers) in order to think they are slick to GM Mass Tele COI gank people is actually pathetic, I've caught them numerous times flowing out of my body when I have detected (I've caught them doing this to me 3 times, now a 4th time as of 4/16/18, and who knows how many other times I haven't caught them while I spam detect when hunting, failed 70+ times on me, or who knows how many people they have done it to.

Castle Sieges:

*1. (SUGGESTION) Make it so castle sieges are literally everyday, Example: Kent and Aden Day 1, and IGG Day 2, then Kent and Aden Day 3, then IGG Day 4, and repeat... constantly regardless if people go or dont go, but at least there is action and sieges everyday and a possibility of another Bloodpledge (BP) taking it everyday instead of having to wait 3 or 4 days just for this action.
2. (SUGGESTION) Change all castle siege times to either 9pm or 10pm EST (make a poll on the website?), making IGG early benefits none of the players that live outside of North America, none of them even siege it or take it.

Giran Prison (GP):

1. (SUGGESTION) Lower time to 1 or 2 hours and bump the experience up accordingly.

No GM or Monitor ever logs on:

*1. (SUGGESTION) Get one and make sure he is always recording when online.

Global Chat Level Requirement:

*1. Global chat level requirement needs to be dramatically increased to prevent alt trash talkers, people need to get some fucking balls, raising it to 60+ wouldn't be bad but it is extremely easy to level to that, I would suggestion 65+ or 70+ (preferably 70+).

Boss Timers:

*1. (SUGGESTION) Either never reset the server or find a way to make boss times not be effected by server resets, so that boss times are NEVER the same every day and the same players just set up boss watchers and camp them with 0 checking and 0 competition towards certain ones (this is also a big reason why a lot of people sell items for real money or as some know it as RMT on here for certain things).

Boss Watcher Characters:

*1. This is where a Monitor could come in handy and you can just kick those players' characters offline or warn them and punish accordingly if they repeat it constantly, also there is some spots where bosses spawn that players can reset or log out and log back in or get on that character near a boss, Example: Pirate Drake on Pirate Island Dungeon 3f, somehow make it so when you log out there, it puts them in town, especially when that boss drops a very important item.

Experience Loss:

1. (SUGGESTION) Deaths at 75+ should make you lose at least 1% experience and REMOVE or DISABLE buy back experience NPC at church and where ever else there is one, if there is another (you honestly barely even lose any experience when you're above 75+ and it's less the higher you go up).

Thebe's Proc:

*1. Devil Kiss (Thebe's Proc) is supposed to be WIND DAMAGE, NOT EARTH. and I'm not even going to bother talking about it doing 3 ticks of damage when it's supposed to be only 1 tick (but still do the 3 total hit thing to add a "stunlock" feature to it), but how it's set up on the server I guess it is fine and would seem to be overpowered if all of the total damage was only in the first proc tick.

Dice Dagger:

*1. Dice is supposed to deal 2/3 hp when it procs, NOT 3/4 hp.

Maple Wands:

*1. Maple Wands aren't supposed to work outside of town against other players (i.e. they aren't supposed to work in PvP), there is a reason why they added the spell polymorph to the game for mages.

Kill Announcements:

*1. Only show actual kill announcements (stop announcing town/combat zone kills).

Counter Magic (CM):

*1. Regardless if the spell fails or not, if you use CM or CM scrolls, it's supposed to block the cast or 1 spell (the only exception to this is cancel), Example: if you use CM and an Elf tries to cast erase, but that spell cast of erase failed "in the system" it is still supposed to proc the CM to go off, it is not supposed to only proc the CM if the spell is a "successful" cast on the player.

Most of these issues are why people are always
thinking about quitting and are quitting, and
I don't blame them for doing so. I honestly just
started March 3rd and even I, myself want to
quit because nothing is being done about these issues.
Nothing is being addressed, nothing is being said
that we are looking into fixing this, this, and this.
Simply nothing :'( Just fix the server issues and bugs please.
I will just edit this post if anything else gets brought up.
Just remember to come back again and look ^_^*

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Yes, I am playing on Zelgo. (Lineage Resurrection)

I am AllahuAkbar
(Started on 3/3/18)