
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

When you get exposed and run away from the truth

So "apparently" stat hack, duping, etc.. the whole kitten kaboodle works on LineageElites and the pinoys and others are duping shit, selling shit and that's how these pinoys are paying the GMs of LineageElites to be able to sell adena/items and do level servicing since day 1.
(honestly i wouldnt put it past Bill to be as scummy as this and as corrupt)

AND if stat hack works, i guess that is how Capwne originally 2 shot me with 400 damage a hit, way back before my ban and before i was in their bloodpledge, mind you... the original thing that Capwne said how i died was something like 2 elves were hitting me and like 4 or 5 other melees... yet their ONE elf that was even there, wasnt even inside the walls to even hit me and all of their melees were no where in cell range to even attack me, the only person that did anything besides Capwne was Shadow and all he did was use Armor Break. (probably a bunch of other people abusing the stat hack too)

(Bill's server) LineageElites' GM, GameMaster couldnt handle the heat anymore 😥
poor wittle GM had to block me just like Armango did after he got banned from LineageElites lol

why even use my suggestions (with a slight twist) from over a month ago, if you hate me so much LOL yikers!

Shawn always wins in the end 😅

LineageElites = Bill's server 1000% confirmed, YIKES! LOL

True entertainment right here...

Take a GOOD HARD LOOK at this image...
"by jojobongo"
JoJo was one of Bill's GMs...
"not Bill's server tho" 😂
ALSO after that 1 post i exposed LineageElites for being Bill's server they had some "security updates" and if you go back to the chat logs with Bill, it's clearly noticeable why they did this, if he wasn't lying...

also that's a pretty depressing lie to post on a reddit to try and get more actual players on the server, it's ok tho i put him in his place already... "good population" LOL "a lot of PVP" OMEGALUL

I will be deleting his post once i get my admin account back for this subreddit AND permanently banning him from the Lineage subreddit, ENJOY 😃

bye bye post

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Cringe comments

This moron Void, i honestly cant tell if he is ever serious... for sure i can say one thing, he was a nobody on DEP, yet he speaks so highly of himself and another that he said he would fight people "2v8" and a bunch of other shit, when i feel like this dude has never even played a day on Lineage LIVE... "On live KV was what we normally farmed for CB" you didnt, it was never a drop on NA LIVE from KV, and literally there was THREE TOTAL on LOA (and im assuming there was probably even less on DEP because that shit was a dead zone mid-late phase of the server's lifetime and Counter Barrier wasnt even a thing until later on) before NCsoft was giving out items and free level 80+, you're actually as dumb as those monkeys in BH that said his one friend, Imortal (yes that idiot spelled Immortal wrong), was like a 81 or 82 or 83 with CB... lol when this guy was literally a lvl 56, AT MOST, at the time of my ban AND he was NEVER in 1 of the 2 pledges that CONTROLLED VARLOK, which was the ONLY thing that dropped Counter Barrier on NA LIVE (Oink and Playboy)

p.s.- Counter Barrier was roughly 1.5 BILLION ADENA on LOA

It's just truly cringe when you see certain people attempt to sound smart or try to speak knowledge when their knowledge is completely wrong... it's sad that on even the other server LineageElites some idiot posted something about Essence of Nobility not being on the server, yet the server has Devil's Blood... and Devil's Blood is the KNIGHT BRAVE for ROYAL, so there is no need for Essence or the other lower version (this is also funny because i told one of Bill's GMs this and he then replied to the person on the forums about it lol)... it's shit like that makes me wonder how dumb some people are, especially people like Void... also it's funny that Zelgo still refuses to use a Discord for GMs and server chat, and what made me laugh the other day is someone posted about "it's too toxic or what not" yea you wanna know who is the person that is the child in all of the Discords? Void, the dude literally is so bored with life he has like 10 different accounts (mind you, whenever his friends always would ask if they want to play another game with him he would only say "can i troll in it" or "i only troll in it" just think about how pathetic you sound as a human... you're life must be depressing), but his main account is so easy to spot because he's the only person that has Discord Nitro and when you click into his main account you can see the Discord Nitro icon...

At the end of the day, it's quite sad that the people no one should be listening to about any knowledge of the game, get taken serious and yet the people that are respectable and should be taken serious get looked at like being crazies or a troll, pretty cringe and then people wonder why their servers are dead or not worth playing... look at Zelgo that shit has like 10-40 people only and on sure LineageElites (Bill's server) is the same, considering on LineageElites like 50% of the users you see on the population are adena/item sellers, which they allow just like Zelgo does... What's funny is the GMs of Zelgo just snip a few bad apples of these things of the tree, but they leave the rest because of relationships, many of GG/P2/FL RMT/cheat, yet why do they still exist on the server? who was the guy that had the +10 fid again in GG? the dude was speed hacking too LOL and with a +10 fid, ill bet money on it that he didnt get banned ALSO the player HyskoA uses some weird Chinese client so his cheats that he uses works, probably the walk through walls cheat and other crazy shit that GG loves to use, (and who knows what other GG members do this too)... it's funny how Void is so against others cheating, he cares so much to record it (which i could honestly care less, it just makes you look like a bigger trash player if you need to cheat and you will be called out constantly) but dont make videos crying about cheaters when yall got cheaters... that shit literally makes absolutely no sense... any GM on Zelgo with a brain check my -report log when my account existed... there is a ton of cheaters right there listed, you're welcome.

p.s.- god knows how Zhin still isnt banned for RMT, the dude paid his rent and who knows what else for the last couple years just from selling adena and items on Zelgo (this also was confirmed by multiple GG members)

Both SERVERS are corrupt, just in different ways
Prove me wrong and maybe ill change my mind
Both servers' GMs can contact me whenever if you want to change my mind, good luck

lol? look at these morons... AOS never 100% silenced the user, it was actually level based, even towards the caster, the whole thing was the cooldown you regenerated from AOS was like 6-8 seconds, where the actual silence from it, was like 10-12 seconds... like these people who have so called "played live" seem like they never even played live EVER or have NEVER pvp'd on live... you dont understand how cancer Zeko was on LOA with AOS... CRINGE