
Monday, August 27, 2018

Exposing Zelgo once again


Recently Zelgo has started obtaining players back,
any clue why? because GMs are now giving people
Fids in order to play on the server again...
People like Smitty are just extremely ignorant to my
investigations, I never post anything that I do not have
full fledged proof of... which is why so many people respect me,
and I will be a Martyr for the cause of anything like this, as long
as the truth is exposed, I genuinely don't care about the result.
The saddest part is I know more about these servers than the
GMs themselves lol, and I have no access to their databases.

The garbage player XXL (Little Kevin) who has had all of his
characters (his elf XXL and i forget his shitty mage's name)
level serviced and immune from being punished because
his drunk daddy used to "help" with coding when Smitty
was not around, but he did a pretty dog shit job, so he now
has returned to Zelgo and I'm assuming he either paid one
of the GMs or the GMs just gave him a Fid bow for his
daddy's past help (laughable)... The only people that I have
heard receiving items for exploits or bugs was GG and that
is not a shocker right there folks, FRIENDS WITH SOREN BTW
XXL did NOT report any exploit or bug, he did NOT make his fid,
he was given the fid bow by the GMs, yet they want to say
"Zelgo isnt corrupt" ok buddy boy LOL
(I have audio proof of XXL saying he got the fid from reporting
exploits, which is very unbelievable just from listening to him)
I have never seen or heard of anyone outside of GG obtaining
items from the GMs for reporting any exploits or bugs,
and I've heard of so many other people reporting things with
no rewards, there is a reason for that. CORRUPTION.

I've reported numerous exploits, bugs, and issues...
NOT ONCE did I receive anything for that help and
still to this day, I constantly try to help and the GMs
of Zelgo just spit in the faces of people who try to help.
If you are not apart of their "friend's bp" GoodGame (GG),
they don't care one bit, which is why GG members are the
only ones that are allowed to RMT & cheat without any

So then there is this gem as well (screenshot from Zelgo):
Some idiot in GG while he was on one of the royals posted on the GG
discord and he forgot to crop out or blur the most important thing 😂
China Calvin would've definitely never forgot to blur that...

This is for any and all GMs of Zelgo, you call yourself not corrupt,
yet you constantly do stuff that is insanely corrupt and then you
try to hide the fact of the matter by banning anyone who opposes you,
you have an insane bias towards a set group of players on your server
because of friendships... If you decide you want to unban me and 
stop being corrupt there is literally a few options you can do:

1. openly admit you were in the wrong and do what is right (your egos are too massive for this probably)
2. wipe the server and don't be bias or corrupt (probably the best option)
3. unban me, undelete my char, make my char lvl 82 or 83 (which is what I would be, most likely)
1. & 3. somewhat go together kinda

BUT just remember this, I have eyes and ears everywhere.
I will find out everything, and I will expose you.
AND whichever server stops their corruption first
as well as admits to it and fixes it, will probably be the
server that will be the successor for the future.

p.s.- last but not least... to all of the Lineage players that
constantly talk about me, lol so fucking cringe, I swear...

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bill still delusional to think anyone is DDOSing his server

Take a good look down at my post:
"LineageElites = Bill's new server?"
June 26, 2018

screenshots in there of Bill crying saying he gets
DDOS'd constantly, which is completely false, no
one would waste their time to DDOS a server of
someone who destroys their own servers every time,
AND again he is crying about being DDOS'd with his
newest server LineageElites... no one is DDOSing you,
you are just mental and in need of help...

Bill you should just name change from Goblin to
Doritos at this point lol, also i do appreciate you
looking at my blog still Bill, and posting in the
chat box... who woulda thought it would be so easy
to catch you, you slip up every time... easy IP check

Zelgo is corrupt
LineageElites is more corrupt

if 150+ people come to me and willingly want to pay
$1 a month to play on a real server, I will gladly make one.
(with this there would also be a $5 and $10 a month bundle
that gives bonus exp only 5% and 10% more tho, nothing crazy
and possibly more for those other bundles in the future additions)