
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Boycott Zelgo

Dont bother playing Zelgo

I'm Banned for getting the GMs to fix an important issue with the server
If Tricid apologizes to me and I'm unbanned within a week,
I will play the server again, but if not I wont even bother.
And if all of this were to happen after a week, I would
want, starting at the level I am now (77), 10% exp per day I'm banned
and this is cut in half each level that the days provide me.

p.s.- I AM NOT AllahuAkbar anymore on the server
Tricid DELETED my characters, and someone took the name.
Tricid also changed all of the context of my forum posts.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Some Problems with Zelgo

Issues that need fixing ASAP on Zelgo

* = game breaking issue



*1. Shock Stun being effected by + magic accuracy from Knight's starting base stats, this should not be helping Shock Stun to land more often.
*2. Counter Barrier's (CB) damage is being effected by more than it is supposed to be, CB's damage is only supposed to be 2x the highest value base on the weapon, Example: AGS is 27/45 so 45 is the highest value and times that by 2 and you get 90, so any time CB goes off with an AGS equipped the enemies should be taking 90 dmg; Execution Sword of Fidelity is 28/33 so 33 is the highest value and times that by 2 and you get 66, nothing more nothing less; I would be fine with CB in general just doing a flat 70 damage if it is easier to code, with nothing effecting it. (enchanting and elemental enchants DO NOT & SHOULD NOT INCREASE THIS DAMAGE)
*3. CB damage pierces through immune, if you are immuned and you hit a knight with CB, you still take full damage as if you are not immuned.
*4. CB is providing Knights with a dodge mechanic, CB is not supposed to block the damage, in order for CB to even proc in the first place you must be hit.
*5. CB proc rate is supposed to be 15-20% and INT or starting base INT bonuses are NOT supposed to be increasing the % rate of it to proc.

Dark Elf (DE):

*1. Double Break does not do anything. (supposed to increase damage in some form, but literally does nothing)
*2. Uncanny Dodge does not do anything. (supposed to be true dodge, which is supposed to help dodge against MELEE, RANGED, AS WELL AS KNIGHT STUN)
3. Every Edoryu and Claw have the wrong crit rate (they all seem to be significantly lower than they are supposed to be).
4. (SUGGESTION) Allow DEs to attack from Blind Hiding, Example: if a DE is invisible from using Blind Hiding, instead of having to be detected out or waiting for timer of the spell to run out (which doesn't even have a buff icon) and this would reveal them once they execute an attack from Blind Hiding.
5. Level 50 DE Quest is broken, the wrong NPC is at the wasteland.
*6. The crit animation from edo and claw, just randomly go off, it doesn't actually go off when you actually crit, Example: you swing and the animation of a crit goes off but when you have -dmg on, you can see the damage that is done and it's as if the swing and the weapon hit are reading their own different codes or something.
7. (SUGGESTION) Make DE poison actually do damage of some sort, or make it have some unique feature like increase damage taken or if a person is poisoned by a DE, their overall damage from any type of damage they deal is decreased. (change DE poison color if possible)
8. (SUGGESTION) Bump DE hp cap to 1600.


1. Elf level based spells seem way too easy to land
*2. Elfs can use Elemental Falldown (EFD) while in COI (from what I hear the code for Aqua Protect and EFD got flipped and this is why this can happen?).
3. (SUGGESTION) Put a cap on Nature's Blessing (NB) heal amount.

Wizard (Mage):

Dragon Knight (DK):

Illusionist (Illu):

Royal (Prince):

*1. Make Royals require to be the PvP level (60+) in order to siege a castle.

"General Gameplay"

Server requires a wipe:

*1. This is the most important issue at the moment because for the last 2 years there has been tons of items being duped, created, and sold for real money. If there is not a 2 year roll back as of (4/19/18) there is no point in playing the server if there isn't a wipe because of all of this and it just proves that the GMs do not care about the server or care to fix the issues listed in this post that are important problems as well.


*1. The amount of cheaters on the server is beyond belief. (A way to deal with this right now is to lock all of the accounts of the bloodpledges that have a high ratio of hackers in them, starting with GOODGAME and BountyHunters, just gotta be strict for something like this as a GM so people know you're not fucking around until you can solve the issue internally, lock ALL of their accounts until people start talking and people stop cheating, most of GG and BH have too much real money invested so they will not want their accounts in a lock status where they cannot play and also this is very important, track items that are traded to try to save for characters of banned players for cheating since they will be making a new account/character and then also ban the players that tried to help them save the items).
*2. Get people show you a screenshot of their client (daily, weekly, or monthly depending on how sketchy the players are) and if they have this Chinese shit where the fonts are all thin and stuff makes it extremely fishy because most of the crazier hacks require to be in that client format. Example #1: HyskoA (a GG member; and wouldn't doubt it if more GG used this to use the crazy walk through walls cheats) , Example #2:

Real Money Trading (RMT):

*1. Players that 100% sell items or adena for real $$ (they have tried to sell to me or other players that I know): Zhin, 15
Blood Pledges that need to be looked into with the involved of this aswell (or any BPs where their IPs list to):

Communication with GMs:

*1. Create a Discord server for the server.

Update the Website:

*1. UPDATE THE FUCKING WEBSITE, JESUS CHRIST. (the last update was literally a fucking September 2017 post). And change the fucking website URL to at least have lineage or lin in the URL somewhere.

Venz/Escape/Teleport bug:

*1. This issue is more so based on whether or not the GM is willing to put money into the server or not, mostly fixed by having the server hosted externally, but if the GM is too cheap then he would need to implement something like Absolute Barrier (AB) to be activated anytime you use venz/tele and make it last for like 1-2 seconds. If you don't know what venz bug is, it is when you take damage or die after using a teleport type scroll, because your character gets stuck for a hot second and this is usually caused by an issue in the coding and mostly by self hosting the server.

Force Quitting:

*1. Implement some sort of thing that if a player force quits, it announces it and keeps them stuck in the game for an extra 30 seconds. (The game or coding knows the difference between someone force quitting and someone crashing, so if someone were to crash it should not announce as if they are force quitting)

Web Market:

*1. Fix the Web Market.

Drop Rates:

1. (SUGGESTION) Certain rare items' drop rates are simply way too high for being a long term server (and dragons should not be dropping everything at like 90%).

Cloak of Invisibility (COI):

*1. COI does not have a 2-3 second delay to do any action, even putting it back on, when it is unequipped. (regardless if you get detected out or not, if you have unequipped COI the only things you are supposed to be able to do is either escape/venz/tele, use potions, or use spell scrolls during that delay period of when taking off the COI).

GOODGAME (GG) with GM Mass Teleport (Tele) to COI Gank:

*1. whomever in GG has access to a GM account (I'm pretty sure it is Bonkers) in order to think they are slick to GM Mass Tele COI gank people is actually pathetic, I've caught them numerous times flowing out of my body when I have detected (I've caught them doing this to me 3 times, now a 4th time as of 4/16/18, and who knows how many other times I haven't caught them while I spam detect when hunting, failed 70+ times on me, or who knows how many people they have done it to.

Castle Sieges:

*1. (SUGGESTION) Make it so castle sieges are literally everyday, Example: Kent and Aden Day 1, and IGG Day 2, then Kent and Aden Day 3, then IGG Day 4, and repeat... constantly regardless if people go or dont go, but at least there is action and sieges everyday and a possibility of another Bloodpledge (BP) taking it everyday instead of having to wait 3 or 4 days just for this action.
2. (SUGGESTION) Change all castle siege times to either 9pm or 10pm EST (make a poll on the website?), making IGG early benefits none of the players that live outside of North America, none of them even siege it or take it.

Giran Prison (GP):

1. (SUGGESTION) Lower time to 1 or 2 hours and bump the experience up accordingly.

No GM or Monitor ever logs on:

*1. (SUGGESTION) Get one and make sure he is always recording when online.

Global Chat Level Requirement:

*1. Global chat level requirement needs to be dramatically increased to prevent alt trash talkers, people need to get some fucking balls, raising it to 60+ wouldn't be bad but it is extremely easy to level to that, I would suggestion 65+ or 70+ (preferably 70+).

Boss Timers:

*1. (SUGGESTION) Either never reset the server or find a way to make boss times not be effected by server resets, so that boss times are NEVER the same every day and the same players just set up boss watchers and camp them with 0 checking and 0 competition towards certain ones (this is also a big reason why a lot of people sell items for real money or as some know it as RMT on here for certain things).

Boss Watcher Characters:

*1. This is where a Monitor could come in handy and you can just kick those players' characters offline or warn them and punish accordingly if they repeat it constantly, also there is some spots where bosses spawn that players can reset or log out and log back in or get on that character near a boss, Example: Pirate Drake on Pirate Island Dungeon 3f, somehow make it so when you log out there, it puts them in town, especially when that boss drops a very important item.

Experience Loss:

1. (SUGGESTION) Deaths at 75+ should make you lose at least 1% experience and REMOVE or DISABLE buy back experience NPC at church and where ever else there is one, if there is another (you honestly barely even lose any experience when you're above 75+ and it's less the higher you go up).

Thebe's Proc:

*1. Devil Kiss (Thebe's Proc) is supposed to be WIND DAMAGE, NOT EARTH. and I'm not even going to bother talking about it doing 3 ticks of damage when it's supposed to be only 1 tick (but still do the 3 total hit thing to add a "stunlock" feature to it), but how it's set up on the server I guess it is fine and would seem to be overpowered if all of the total damage was only in the first proc tick.

Dice Dagger:

*1. Dice is supposed to deal 2/3 hp when it procs, NOT 3/4 hp.

Maple Wands:

*1. Maple Wands aren't supposed to work outside of town against other players (i.e. they aren't supposed to work in PvP), there is a reason why they added the spell polymorph to the game for mages.

Kill Announcements:

*1. Only show actual kill announcements (stop announcing town/combat zone kills).

Counter Magic (CM):

*1. Regardless if the spell fails or not, if you use CM or CM scrolls, it's supposed to block the cast or 1 spell (the only exception to this is cancel), Example: if you use CM and an Elf tries to cast erase, but that spell cast of erase failed "in the system" it is still supposed to proc the CM to go off, it is not supposed to only proc the CM if the spell is a "successful" cast on the player.

Most of these issues are why people are always
thinking about quitting and are quitting, and
I don't blame them for doing so. I honestly just
started March 3rd and even I, myself want to
quit because nothing is being done about these issues.
Nothing is being addressed, nothing is being said
that we are looking into fixing this, this, and this.
Simply nothing :'( Just fix the server issues and bugs please.
I will just edit this post if anything else gets brought up.
Just remember to come back again and look ^_^*