Lineage Elites showing its Corruption still...
lmao this idiot Capwne showing off his GM item to people, good job dude.
The renta cop has a fat wallet, and can never play legit because he would
get dumpstered like he did on LOA... btw nice to see a BLESSED Varlok
Sword, LOL! cant possibly be made by anyone, but the GM... next he is going
to say some dumb shit like XXL getting handed Fid Bow on Zelgo to come
back and play on the server, so that the server can get a playerbase again...
it is truly embarrassing how the GMs that make these servers cannot resist
being CORRUPT.
I wont put it passed Capwne to level service, RMT, or exploit again on L1Justice since
he hasn't played one single server (including LIVE back in the day), where he has
played LEGIT.
Not only is LineageElites dumb for making drop rates for shit so high,
which destroyed that server a lot, but they also were dumb enough to make
Varlok Sword have insane stats instead of keeping it the correct stats, but
also making it +6 safe is just as dumb as Cold Bow being +6 safe too...
Two items that should never be changed from being +0 safe!
ALSO LineageElites enchant rate was just so high, so seeing insanely high
enchanted rare items as well, is nothing to be shocked about, unless you're
RMT GOD Capwne 😃